ear BTCC family,
This past week our church leaders gathered together to discuss our plan for reopening of our church building and reconvening in-person gatherings. We know that there is a great desire to be with on another and to enjoy the fellowship that comes from our weekly gatherings. We also long for this time of corporate gathering.
This brings us to the question at hand: when and how will our church begin to reopen? I want to say first and foremost, this is NOT an easy question to answer. There are a number of circumstances that force us to pause and ask what is good for our church (not just me, not just my family, not just my needs). As you know, a number of complicated issues that surround the process of reconvening.
In a recent video, Steve Jones, the president of the Missionary Church, pointed out that when people are given a choice about what to do in these days, there will inevitably be a difference of opinions. Some will want to reconvene immediately; others will want to take a more cautious approach. Both are trying to live out their faith and moving forward as best as they can. (See that video here). An excellent article on the Gospel Coalition website was also released last week discussing this same concern. Here is the link for your consideration (“Church, Don’t Let Coronavirus Divide You” by Brett McCracken).
As church leaders we are looking to your spiritual well-being as well as your physical well-being. We want our gatherings to be a place that is safe for everyone who attends. Here are our initial steps that we are going to take as a church, please know that they are based on the situation as we understand it right now. We humbly submit it as a tentative plan for moving forward over the next few weeks.
1. Drive-in services. We believe this is the first step to take for our church. This step will allow us to gather in the same location while limiting risk. We hope this first step will help alleviate the sense of isolation many of us have had during this time. Our tentative first Drive-in service date is June 7.
2. Deacon led small groups. In conjunction with the first step, we also want to move towards having deacon led small groups. These groups would be smaller by nature (10 or fewer), and will allow you to fellowship with others. These times of prayer, bible study, and fellowship are a significant part of our community life. These will also tentatively begin around June 7.
3. Multiple services. This third step will come a little later. We will continue to evaluate and consider the best timing for our congregation. The main idea would be that we will offer multiple services inside of the building. Details about these services are still in the works, but may include a mid-week or Sunday evening service. The start date for this step is TBD.
We know that you are longing to see one another again. We hope that these steps begin to meet that need and are a balm to your souls. In all of these things we are learning how to trust Jesus more and more, turning to him to lead us in these days.
Tony Clausen
Marc Cowser
Bill House
Jeremy House
Patrick Jones